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Service Limits

Maximum submission jobs per user

There is no limit for the number of job submissions per user.

Maximum running jobs per user

The scheduler allocates the jobs in its queue to the proper worker nodes following their requirements (job requirements and machine requirements). The schedulers are configured to run 10.000 jobs simultaneously at maximum. Even if a user can submit 20.000 jobs (as there is no submission limit), only a few thousand of them will run at the same time because of the max running jobs in the scheduler (and because of the fair-share).

Time Limits

Running jobs

The system will automatically remove running jobs if they are in running state for more than the MaxRuntime or JobFlavour.

Held jobs

The system will automatically remove held jobs if they are in hold state for more than 24 hours.

Multiple running jobs

The system will automatically remove jobs which are restarted for more than 10 times.

Last update: January 21, 2025