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Exercise 3e: Using An External File

The queue command can read directly from an external file. If a file "argument.txt" is created and the commands will be passed to the executable from the contents of the txt file. The arguments.txt contains:

2 3
4 5
6 7
The script reads and prints the arguments.
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        print arg
Create the following submit description file and submit the job.
    executable              =
    output                  = output/$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).out
    error                   = error/$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).err
    log                     = log/$(ClusterID).log

    queue arguments from arguments.txt
HTCondor will put in the queue three jobs for the executable by giving different arguments each time. In the first job will pass 2 and 3 as arguments, in the second will pass 4 and 5 and in the third 6 and 7. The file arguments.txt is located in the current working directory. If it is somewhere else, the fully qualified name must be provided. A list of arguments can also be used, for example:
  executable              =
  arguments               = "$(argument)"
  output                  = output/$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).out
  error                   = error/$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).err
  log                     = log/$(ClusterID).log

  queue  argument in H2, H3, H4, H5

Last update: May 2, 2022